Did you hear what he said?

The rooms equipped with Mediasite recording equipment have now been outfitted with Audience Response Microphones so you no longer need to repeat questions for your distance listeners and class discussions can be part of your recording.  One caveat to remember as soon as the recording starts all conversations are recorded i.e., as students walk in … Read more


Some reminders for start of semester (I know Spring just ended!)– If you have video links from Laupus Library you must request activation of those links each semester, request form can be found here http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/mts/VideoRequest.cfm Make sure your content has been rolled over to your summer classes, if not please go to this link http://www.ecu.edu/blackboard/ … Read more

Not just your ordinary YouTube

The next time you are online watching the latest Internet craze on YouTube, take a moment to visit ECU’s YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/ecu. While you won’t find videos featuring the traditional YouTube fare—pop music videos, hilarious accidents, or “science” experiments featuring breath mints and diet cola—you will find a wide range of videos that represent just … Read more

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