Lot’s of these around, some used here some used there!!  These are a few –

LMS – Learning management system, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle to name a few and what we are currently reviewing.

LTI –  Learning Tools Interoperability Its primary purpose is to connect learning systems such as a learning management system (LMS) with external service tools in a standard way across learning systems.

MFA – Multi-Factor Authorization MFA is another layer of protection for your most vital accounts. You may already be using MFA with your bank or other personal account.  Soon to be required by all staff and faculty.  Click this link to get started.

API – Application programming interface – In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication among various components.

MDR – Mediasite Desktop Recorder – Login here.


VPN or VPC – Virtual Private Network or Virtual Private Cloud

WP – WordPress

ROI – Return on Investment

UI/UX – User Interface/User Experience

GA – Goggle Analytics

SM(P) – Social Media (Platform)

AI – Artificial Intelligence

SQL – Structured Query Language

SaaS – Software-as-a-Service

DOS – Denial of Services

VM – Virtual Machine

AD – Active Directory

BYOD – Bring your Own Device

IoT – Internet of Things

VOIP – VOice OVer Internet Protocol

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