Working from Home…A Student’s Perspective!

I’ve been in my apartment in Greenville since being told we would not be returning to campus this semester. The first week of having to do all my classes and work online was great. Then reality set in. Being a full-time online student requires extreme dedication and excellent time-management skills. By the second week, I felt like I was drowning in work because I was not following an organized school routine. My classes were still just as intense before, but I was too comfortable with basking in the joys that online learning comes with (e.g. watching a lecture in the comfort of my bed). Now that I am caught up on my work, I thought I would share 4 tips I found to be important for students working from home.

  1. Get out of bed! Managing your environment by creating a study space will help eliminate distractions that can negatively impact your academic success. By sitting at a desk or table, your attention will more than likely stay away from the Netflix show playing in your room. Remember to hold yourself accountable and practice time-management.


  1. Discover your learning style! Focusing on strategies that will fit your particular style will help. Take this quiz to help identify your learning style.


  1. Working during the “peak” hours when you are most focused (e.g. in the mornings) will help you stay organized.


  1. Don’t be afraid to use your network. In addition to contacting your professor if you have any questions or concerns, collaborating with peers in the course and using campus resources like the Pirate Academic Success Center is beneficial and will only improve your academic success.


  1. BREATHE! Remember you are not alone in this process. You can do this!

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