A different point of view . . .

sympodiumsmAll the “Smart” classes have a sympodium which allow you to write directly on your PowerPoint presentation, Word document, Excel file or whatever program you might be working on.  Your writing can be saved into a pdf or html file for distribution to your students.  But we at OET often hear that writing on the sympodium is awkward.  Not really!  There is a latch at the top back which let’s you adjust the height and put the sympodium in a horizontal position which makes it easier to write on.  Contact OET for a demonstration.

This is extremely helpful when recording for distance students rather than writing on the whiteboard.  Watch this demo of how using the whiteboard is ineffective when recording http://mediasite.ecu.edu/ah/Viewer/?peid=058fc7e59caf4b429620bdabbb83ca36


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