Archived presentations to be deleted unless you act soon

New Mediasite Archive Plan Began July 1, 2021

Mediasite is ECU’s video capture tool for academic courses and campus events. We recently updated and automated the storage process for Mediasite content to keep presentations organized while reducing storage and administrative costs.

This past July, Mediasite administrators processed videos according to the following criteria. The report captured the age and number of views for all Mediasite videos older than 24 months. 

  • All videos are active in Mediasite for the first 24 months regardless of views and are not included in the annual audit report.
  • A video with 10 or more views during the previous 24 months remains in Mediasite.
  • A video with fewer than 10 views during the previous 24 months was archived and will be deleted on September 29. Deleted videos cannot be recovered.
  • Owners were notified by email of any archived videos.
  • Owners may request that any video slated for deletion be exported into a “Publish to Go” format by submitting a Mediasite Support service request before September 28.

*All videos are active in Mediasite for the first 24 months regardless of views and are not included in the annual audit report.

Recovery and export available until September 28, 2021

You have until September 28 to request that archived videos be exported into a Publish To Go format. Submit the Mediasite Support service request. After a video is deleted it cannot be recovered.

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