WE did it… Mediasite recording request

We DID IT CAHS!  We made it!  I would like to thank each of you for your contribution to my Tech emails. (I had some pretty big shoes to fill, Mrs. Jean Merenda) ?  The past few months have been nothing short of amazing.  As you close out December, I would like to extend an invitation to you to reflect on what worked this year and what didn’t work.  Send me your feedback or schedule some one on one time with me to also share your classroom recording experiences. We can work together to revise/revamp some things.  

I have already began planning a few lunch and learns and a few in house trainings that will consist of the following but not limited to:

  • Canvas (anything Canvas related)
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser
  • Webex in Canvas
  • Webex Advanced Features and Practical Uses
  • Canvas Studio – Introduction
  • Canvas Studio – Quizzing and Assessment
  • Onedrive – What is Onedrive? File management and sharing
  • Teams – What is Teams?  Collaborate and sharing
  • Panopto desktop recording

If a topic or a technical device is not listed that you are interested in please send that to me and I will get it added.  I would love to sit down with you and test out new Technology. 

As of today, all who have submitted their Spring 2022 Mediasite recording request have been completed and you should have received a confirmation email from me.  If you did not receive one, please reach out to me as soon as possible. In the new year, there will be a new enhanced recording request form coming, so be on the look out for that.  My Panopto early adopters, you will receive confirmation soon, I am putting some finishing touches on the scheduling.  I also would like to remind Mediasite users to review the recordings used these past semesters and update the titles to reflect topic, guest speaker or other identifiers for easy retrieval in the future.  You must do this via My Mediasite it can’t be done via the Canvas link.  Links to My Mediasite and other editing information can be found here.  If you need assistance please contact this office and we can do this for you with naming and editing information.

I don’t know about you guys but I am excited about 2022!  Cheers to a favorable new year for our College and in the world of Technology! 

However, wherever, whenever, you celebrate the holiday season, I hope it’s full of joy!  Happy Holidays!

Have an incredible day!


Kym Jefferson, MS

Technology Support Analyst | 252-744-1106 | Office 3360 Health Sciences Building | Mail Stop 668

East Carolina University | College of Allied Health Sciences | Office of Educational Technology

jeffersonk@ecu.edu | https://cahs.ecu.edu/ | | Fax: 252-744-6018

OET Blog

Recording Essentials Blog

“When December comes, don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the GREAT.”  ~Unknown Author

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