Spring Break 2022

Greetings CAHS,

Spring break is approaching March 6th – March 13th.  If you’re excited for the downtime, you should be. ?  Each of you have worked really hard thus far in the semester.  Please remember to contact my office via email if you are planning TO record during spring break.   Otherwise, the scheduled recording during the week of spring break will be deleted from the calendar to help free up unnecessary recording space. 

During the upcoming spring break I always try to encourage everyone (if you can) to put the pen down and step away from the iPads and/or laptops and take a true break.  Check out a list of suggestions and then challenge yourself to actually cross off some of the to-do’s. ?

  1. Read a book or revamp your curriculum
  2. Plan nothing
  3. Sleep until noon  – if your body will allow it.. Unfortunately at my old age my body has a mind of its own now, so it will NOT. ?
  4. Bake a cake
  5. Catch up on life
  6. Go for a massage
  7. Organize yourself mentally
  8. Be like a tree sloth – we are always on the go-go-go! So now slow all the way down during Spring break to appreciate the little things.

P.S. During Spring Break most of the classrooms here at HSB will be available if you would like to test out how to better your recordings, perform audio testing, test out using the Smart Podium Pen etc.

Please stay safe and have an incredible day!

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