Panopto Recordings

Greetings, CAHS!

If you were unable to attend the Panopto trainings, here’s a little good news to add to your fantastic Friday.  Attached you will find recorded sessions for the Panopto Basics, a few Q & A’s, and a Feedback survey.  The Advanced Panopto training wrapped up today.  ? I will send out that recording when it becomes available.   At this time, all things Panopto are being done behind the scenes on my end so there is nothing that you will need to do in regards to Panopto at this time.  I wanted to keep our department abreast of what features and capabilities that are available for us to use in the future.  Feel free to play around with Panopto desktop recorder.  If you would like to have this feature installed, just let me know and I will install for you.  Also, if you have any specific Panopto questions, feel free to reach out to me.     Have an incredible rest of your Friday!

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