Panopto trainings available

Greetings, CAHS!

If you haven’t had the chance to attend any of the past Panopto trainings, please see the new schedule for the month of March.  Be sure to register using the link below.


Panopto Beyond the Basics

Tue, Mar 15 | 3:30 – 4:30

  • Access meeting recordings
  • Video library tour
  • Student recording and assignment folders
  • Video/Folder Settings (download options, outputs)
  • Editing (trims, captions, clips, quizzes)
  • Graded video quiz assignments in Canvas
  • Changing default video thumbnail
Panopto Basics

Wed, Mar 16 | 2:00 – 3:00

  • Overview
  • Accessing Panopto in Canvas
  • Recording
  • Viewer features
  • Embedding in other areas of a Canvas course
  • Multi-section sharing
  • Analytics and stats
  • Changing video name and description

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