Cyber Security – Tips and Tricks

Greetings CAHS,

With a recent inner departmental Cyber Security scare that took place, I felt it befitting to send out a few helpful tips as it pertains to Cyber Security.  In the past few months ECU’s Cyber Security team has seen nefarious activity and we at CAHS are not exempt.  Take a look below at the Tips and Tricks to watch out for. 

  • Please be aware when working in your ECU email as you are sending/receiving – The PURPLE logo on any emails received that says the following:  “This email originates outside of ECU”. This is a fast and easy way to identify if this email was sent from an actual person that belongs to ECU. In addition,  Always identify the email address as well, if it doesn’t have then you can quickly assess that it’s not from ECU faculty/staff member.
  • If you are suspicious of an email you can always forward to (never hesitate)
  • Emails requesting gift cards from faculty/staff members should always be questioned, and never acted upon unless you have spoken to the person requesting; even then never send gift cards codes, or numbers via email with picture attachments. 100% of time these are phishing emails and should be sent to
  • ECU will never ask you to provide your credit card or bank information in regards to antivirus protection, or for the maintenance of your ecu managed laptops, pc, or macbook.  In general- Any pop-ups you receive that ask you  for that information DO NOT CLICK on them, pop-ups are a good indication that there may be malware on your computer.  To be safe, you will want to refer to me or our ECU Desktop Support team, they are a good resource to make sure that it is nothing is malicious.

Hope this helps! Here is a link that is helpful From ITCS

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