TECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER | New Safety Tips Enabled for ECU Inboxes

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Having trouble viewing this email? Visit the ECU Technology Newsletter archive.   Information Technology and Computing Services March 8, 2022 New ‘Safety Tips’ enabled for ECU inboxes to help users recognize email phishing and sender impersonation Considering current unfortunate geopolitical events, ECU is implementing additional safeguards for the campus community. While safety measures can be enhanced by ITCS behind-the-scenes, please keep in mind that ‘Safe computing is everyone’s responsibility.’ The following Outlook safety features are being enabled to better protect faculty, students, and staff. First Contact Safety Tip You may see this safety tip the first time you get a message from a sender and if you don’t often get messages from the sender. Examples:
User Impersonation Safety Tip You may see this safety tip in messages where the sender’s email address is included in user impersonation protection. Tip text: “This sender appears similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person.” Example:
Questions I More Information Need Help? If you need assistance or have any technology-related questions, please contact Pirate Techs by phone at 252-328-9866 or via the Web at To report a phishing scheme or check to see if an email is legitimate: Please forward the email to Security Precautions for Working and Teaching Remotely (ECU website) Security Awareness Video Tutorials (ECU website) Information Security for Personally-Owned Computers (ECU website)  

© 2022 ITCS at East Carolina University. ECU Technology Digest is published by Information Technology and Computing Services. This message is sent from an unmonitored e-mail account. ECU may track anonymous, aggregated information about opening and click-through responses to email messages using a variety of tools to help us better tailor our communications to the needs and interests of our constituents.

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