FW: ECU Infosec IQ Security Awareness & Education Campaign (“Infosec IQ Notifications”) (!)

This email was sent on “high alert” so I wanted to make sure I pass on the important information to our college.  Please see below..


Kym J.

From: Webster, Mark <WEBSTERM19@ECU.EDU>
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2022 8:00 AM
To: ECU Official Faculty <DL_OfficialFaculty@ecu.edu>; ECU Official Staff <DL_OFFICIALSTAFF@ECU.EDU>
Subject: ECU Infosec IQ Security Awareness & Education Campaign (“Infosec IQ Notifications”)
Importance: High

Good morning ECU colleagues,

You’ve probably heard in the news various reports of organizations suffering the impacts of cyber attacks, including adverse effects such as data breach, compromise and damage to IT systems, and disruption of mission critical services. With new cyber security threats appearing constantly, all organizations, including ECU, must remain diligent, both IT support professionals, and every user of technology – individuals like you! You are part of our best line of defense to prevent hacks from occurring!

ECU has partnered with Infosec IQ to bring you a comprehensive security training program. We are utilizing a combination of phishing simulations and security awareness modules to empower employees to stay cyber secure. As part of this initiative, ITCS will be sending out short training videos from InfoSec IQ in response to phishing simulation done by the university. These videos are to help you spot real phishing emails and be aware of other important cyber security topics. The emails will be titled in your inbox as “Infosec IQ Notifications” and the contents will look very similar to what is shown below. When hovering over the “Start your training” button the link should start with https://securityiq.infosecinstitute.com/learner/course/.

The first rounds of Infosec IQ Notifications that will go out with brief training segments will be in response to prior simulated phishing campaign results. This training is mandatory. Thank you for your cooperation and support as we champion a culture of Pirate security awareness across campus.




Mark D. Webster, Ph.D.

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

ECU | Information Technology & Computing Services (ITCS)
209 Cotanche St. | Office 208 | Mail Stop 229

Greenville, NC 27858-1125

Office: 252-328-9225 | websterm19@ecu.edu | ecu.edu/itcs


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