Keeping your stuff safe . . .

Do you consistently create and save files to your hard drive?

Do you backup them up nightly, weekly, monthly, not at all?

Do you worry if your computer crashes?

If you see yourself guilty of any of the above think about using your Piratedrive!

Personal Piratedrive folders can be accessed through OneStop, on or off campus, or “My Computer” from a Windows PC logged into the Intra domain on campus (The “U” drive).

Faculty and staff quotas can be increased from 1 GB to 2 GB free of charge, if approved. Please enter an IT Help Desk service request. Should faculty or staff require more than 2 GB, departments may purchase additional space for a one time fee of $4.18 per GB

Student quotas may be increased if the need is demonstrated and approved. Students requiring space for research projects and other academic functions will be given special consideration.

Department Piratedrive

Departments can also request a Piratedrive folder for office files. This is convenient when several members must access the same files or the department is storing sensitive information. The default size of a department’s Piratedrive folder is 5 GB free of charge. More space can be purchased for a nominal fee of $4.18 per GB and is requested through an IT Help Desk service request.

All departmental Piratedrive folders are required to have an administrator to manage the folder and subfolders.  Contact OET if you have questions or would like assistance in setting up a Departmental Pirate Drive.

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