Helpful Start of Semester Tips

Greetings, CAHS!

We are just that much closer to starting our Fall semester, so I wanted to send out a few helpful start of the semester tips.  What are some your start of the semester tips?  Feel free to share your tips with me.  I would love to share them with our College.

  1.  Update the Syllabus
  • Text book information is accurate
  • Due dates are updated
  • Point system and assignment
  • Office Hours and contact information
  1.  Assignments
  • Update due dates in assignment tool
  • Tweak instructions if needed
  • Update points possible in assignment tool
  1.  Assessments
  • Update due dates in assessment tool
  • Update questions/add new questions as needed
  • Update points possible in assessment tool and individual questions if needed
  1.  Gradebook
  • Update calculation and formulas if assignments, assessment or others added or removed.
  • Hide letter grade column and other columns from students as needed
  1.  Discussions
  • Create a new welcome message to students and invite them to respond and introduce themselves.
  1.  Course content
  • Check video clips, slide decks, PDF files and links.  Make sure they all work.

First week success

Research shows that students will be more successful in your online course if you do something to engage them the first week.  Be creative and think of something that will get them going the first week. Have them use the discussion or blog tool to introduce themselves, respond to other students, and take a sample quiz.  Consider a homework assignment to give them an opportunity to learn your style and relive any apprehension they may have.

Please stay safe and have an incredible day!


Reply to this email to start a conversation.


Kym Jefferson, MS

Technology Support Analyst | 252-744-1106 | Office 3360 Health Sciences Building | Mail Stop 668

East Carolina University | College of Allied Health Sciences | Office of Instructional Technology | | | Fax: 252-744-6018

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