If you need any assistance with the below process, let me know. ?
From: ITCS News <itcscomm@ecu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 9:56 AM
To: ITCS Communications <ITCSCOMM@ECU.EDU>
Subject: Check your ECU-managed Mac laptop or desktop – Action may be required
Step 1. Open the ECU Self-Service Portal on your Mac device. Step 2. From the Browse drop-down menu, choose Network. The Network tab opens, and you see three steps (and three buttons). Step 3. Click the Run button beneath Step 1: Remove Previous Eduroam Certificates. Step 4. Click the Reinstall Certificates button beneath Step 2: Install Authentication for WIFI/Ethernet. Step 5. Click the Run button beneath Step 3: Enable Eduroam. These steps must be completed by September 30. Once complete, users will be able to connect to both the wireless eduroam and wired networks. If you require assistance with this process, please submit a computer support service request or call the IT Service Desk at 252-328-9866. © 2022 ITCS at East Carolina University. ECU Technology Newsletter is published by Information Technology and Computing Services. This message is sent from an unmonitored email account. ECU may track anonymous, aggregated information about opening and click-through responses to email messages using a variety of tools to help us better tailor our communications to the needs and interests of our constituents. |