Elimination of the Deadline for Switching to New Quizzes

Many of you have inquired about the timeline for us to transition from using the current Classic Quizzes to the New Quizzes in Canvas.  Canvas has provided an update, their roll out of the tool has been eliminated.  That’s right, Canvas will now offer both options for now.  This will provide more time for our faculty to test both features to see which would best suite their needs.  If you would like a quick tutorial on either quiz option, please set an appointment up with me and I will be glad to assist you.  If you have already transitioned to New Quizzes, I would love to hear about your experience. Below is more information on New Quizzes.

New Quizzes Transition Toolkit 

As we begin the transition from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes we wanted to provide specialized resources to better assist admins, faculty, and end users alike. This toolkit will consist of plug & play email templates, checklists, videos, promotional assets and more! 

Other Resources

Below is a comparison chart for both quizzes. Hopefully this will help you in determine which feature best suites your needs.

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