Not just your ordinary YouTube

The next time you are online watching the latest Internet craze on YouTube, take a moment to visit ECU’s YouTube channel, While you won’t find videos featuring the traditional YouTube fare—pop music videos, hilarious accidents, or “science” experiments featuring breath mints and diet cola—you will find a wide range of videos that represent just some of what ECU has to offer.

Content on ECU’s YouTube channel comes from departments, organizations, and individuals from across campus. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit videos of lectures, guest speakers, spirit activities, student projects, performances of the arts, sporting events, and anything else that might be of interest to the university community. Students representing campus groups or organizations who wish to post videos to the channel should contact their faculty advisor to submit videos on their behalf.

A handy tool that can be used by anyone is a hand held video camera like the Flip.  Check out the TGIF section of this blog for an interesting video filmed using a hand held available at our office.

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