Not yabber dabber do, it’s Yammer time!

From Yammer’s website ,  “Yammer is a simple real-time communication tool for organizations.  Yammer was created by people who wanted a better way to connect and share with people at work.  You and the other members of your organization each have a Yammer profile. Your profile information includes your photo, title, contact info, expertise and background. Yammer makes your organization a better place to work by making it feel smaller, helping people to find and meet each other, and busting silos between groups and departments. Also, because it’s a network, it becomes more powerful the more people that join.”

Yammer click here for a product tour.

Want to join?  Let me know and I will send you an invite!

7/15/2010 – Just received this from my yammer feed, ECU Yammer Blog link.

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