Try it! You just might like it!

A few weeks ago I posted a blog with a catchy title Yabber Dabber Do!  The catchy subject line produced a few responses but I don’t know that anyone actually tried the software.  I have joined Yammer and for the most part was reading a lot of postings on the new i Phone and I pad.  Neither of which I have but I followed along anyway.  Then last week someone asked a question about a testing software of which I was familiar with, I responded and a great exchange of ideas took place and the software is being looked at as part of an Blackboard add in (makes test making really easy!)


That same day I had a problem with my MacBook Pro so I posted it and got almost instant assistance from someone in the group and solved the problem!

Another day someone asked about some good ECU PowerPoint templates which then produced some really nice templates which I will make available to the College.

So after being involved in some information exchange I thought why  not create a CAHS Yammer group to which all of you will be getting an invite later today.  Try it out, find the templates, and let us know what you are working on!

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