Happy New Year and Happy Spring Semester 2011!

As the beginning of Spring Semester approaches quickly I could use this blog to remind you about rolling content over in BB, copying content in BB, making your course(s) available, submitting your Mediasite or Centra requests, reserving your Turning Point clickers or the many other start of semester housekeeping tips that come across your inbox hourly.

But no instead I am going to blog about reading!  You say, but that’s what I am doing.  Yes that is correct but do any of you remember the old mind teaser test that started “Please Read Before Completing this Paper” and the last item was “Sign your name and Hand in the Paper”?  With so many emails and so much data coming across our desks we barely have time to breathe.  But breathe we must and take a deep breath and continue reading so that we pick up that last bit of information on the last line!

On that note I send you to another blog “The Lost Art of Reading” or for just a quick glimpse check out this article on the same topic.

Happy Reading! and for my last line

Need help in semester start preparations just contact OET!

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