10 version 1809 is coming

In case you missed this notice ITCS will release Windows 10, version 1809, for campus Windows 10 desktop and laptop computers.  Some features it includes are Adjust text size, Clipboard history and dark mode for File Explorer.  Still using Windows 7, maybe it is time to upgrade! Want some Windows 10 tips click here.

So what version are you?

Back in March I posted some reasons for upgrading to Windows 10 specifically for security reasons.  Now that a new update is coming out this may be the time to just bite the bullet and upgrade.  You will have to contact ITCS to upgrade. The “Our Photos app is totally reimagined in the Fall Creators … Read more

In case you missed the Technology Newsletter

WebEx and Skype: Is There a Difference? Yes! Two great tools for different scenarios With both WebEx Cloud and Skype for Business available to ECU users, how do you pick the right online meeting solution? Both tools share collaboration tools, audio and video options, scheduling through Outlook and a “Meet Now” feature. However, there are … Read more

Coming soon to a classroom near you!

Windows 10 will be installed in classrooms by Fall Semester.  It is currently in two classrooms in Allied Health HSB 1340 and HSB 2425.  You will not see a big difference in the desktop but a couple of things to note.  To log off the computer you will click the Log Off icon as there … Read more

Last week was SABA and here are a few more ways to connect Real Time!

Last week’s post was from a colleague about using SABA Webconferencing and a colleague posted a comment about using Webex to meet and work with students.  Here are some other resources available at ECU for meeting remotely with students, staff or faculty.  They are Lync – Available to students, faculty and staff, Lync integrates seamlessly with email, calendar and the … Read more

Making a connection

Software videoconferencing is ideal for one-on-one interviews, peer discussions, distance learning, CME programs, class lectures or guest instructors. Cisco Jabber Conference with anyone, from anywhere, at anytime from your own Mac or Windows desktop or laptop using Cisco Jabber. Features include video, desktop sharing and conferencing. Camera, microphone and speakers required. Submit the Jabber Account Request form … Read more

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