Tag: clickers

The webinar was called Cool Tools!

I know sometimes my job does require that I do something “cool” and this week it was attending a webinar on “Cool Tools” so I figured for the next few blogs I would share a few that were highlighted!

Clickers are always a fun way to engage students but if you forgot to pick them up from my office here is a way to still have that same experience.  Socrative is “smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops and tablets!”

Contact OET to explore!

Are they really listening?

With clicker technology, we have Turning Point installed in all the classrooms, you can quickly poll your students on how well they are listening, their opinion on sensitive subjects or create teams to compete on current topics of study.  As we approach mid-term the clickers are a great way to bring something a bit different to your usual PowerPoint presentations.

To see how easily these devices are to use and how to create questions stop by our offices for a quick demo.  We now have three receivers and over 150 clickers so we can furnish a number of  classes at the same time!

Here are links to two articles using response system technology.




Add interactivity to your Power Point presentations.  Our Clickers (aka Audience Response Systems or just think of Millionaire’s Poll the Audience!) will allow you to put short, multiple choice questions in a Power Point presentation and get response from the students.  The students think it’s fun and you can see where you may need to do more work.

Stop by Jean’s office, HSB3370 for a quick demo of how they work!