So my lecture was recorded now what?

Lecture capture is being done all over campus using Mediasite, Tegrity or Camtasia and the lectures are posted for your students but are they watching?  Analytics can be run on Mediasite and Tegrity recordings from their applications.  Camtasia recordings might need to be linked to tracking in Blackboard.  Not only can you track who is … Read more

Mobile Viewing is Available this Semester!

Both Mediasite and Tegrity lecture capture systems offer your students the ability to watch your recordings on the go!  Students can view on their mobile devices by clicking the Mediasite link provided them or by going to the settings option in Tegrity.  Please note that only Mediasite recordings from Summer Semester on can be viewed … Read more

Here we go again!

Welcome to Fall Semester 2012. This blog offers lots of tips and reminders, you can easily search in the box at the bottom right. OET is just a phone call, email, instant message or stop by on your way to / from class.  With the start of the semester is just days away here is a checklist to get your course ready.

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Price Drop!!!

At a recent IT Smart Classroom meeting I heard that the cost for Piratedrive space has dropped!  You might ask what is Piratedrive space?  Click here for all the answers! Each faculty/staff has 1Gb of Piratedrive space and each department has 5Gb of Piratedrive space.  Great way to share information within your department.  This page … Read more

Flip your Class

In a traditional lecture, students often try to capture what is being said at the instant the speaker says it. They cannot stop to reflect upon what is being said, and they may miss significant points because they are trying to transcribe the instructor’s words.  By contrast, the use of video and other prerecorded media … Read more

Ready to Use

Not your test in Blackboard but your student’s ability to access information on their computer while taking a test.  Lockdown browsers when run on a computer prevents the student from printing, copying, screen capturing a test.  Students are also unable to navigate to other locations within their Course Management System or on the Internet.  Respondus LockDown … Read more

Planning ahead!

Fall semester is not that far away so why not check your calendar, review this blog and decide to embrace one or more of the new technologies I have blogged about. See what others are doing and what works. Calendar a day/time for Professional Development. Check out the OET training calendar or ITCS’s training calendar, … Read more

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