Countdown time . . .

As we head into the final days of fall semester and submitting grades here are some tips to help make the days easier: Respondus – test creating software available for download Grade Center Tutorials – not sure how to weight your items?  Contact OET for assistance. Course Copy Tutorials – Spring courses are available, copy … Read more

An App for Thanksgiving!

No not shrimp cocktail or pigs in the blanket (a staple at the Merenda household) but a multitude of apps available free or moderately priced to assist you in cooking your turkey, planning your menu, creating a fireplace ambience and more, check out this article on The Best Apps for Thanksgiving 2011! Happy Thanksgiving from … Read more

Just down the road . . .

Think-In 2011 is being held at Mendenhall today.   Curious how to incorporate yammer into your course, or perhaps adding a blog?  Heard about second life but not sure how you would use it?  Stop by and see what some of your colleagues are doing! CAHS has two presentations at the Think-In, one by OET … Read more

Better late than never!

Yes, October was Cyber Security Awareness Month.  But I did not post about it and figured I would piggy back on it now.  Can’t say enough about cyber security but just wanted to reiterate some of the highlights from last month: Protect your passwords. Did You Know? 1 in 3 workers write down their computer password … Read more

In a flash!

How–and Why–to Destroy Old Flash Drives By Emmett Dulaney 09/29/11 The value of the ubiquitous flash drives that many of us carry in our pockets or on our key chains is much more than the $10 we pay for them at the big box store. Rather, they’re worth as much as all the data they … Read more

Not your ordinary fish tale!

I have been asked many times what is that Starfish tab when I login to Blackboard and in past semesters I would respond it is a student performance tool being tested ECU on freshmen and transfer students.  Which it does!  But it is now available to all faculty to use to help “support student academic … Read more

Word, Blackboard – Test Creation made easy!

Click Here for a tech tip from Respondus on converting from Word – Do you use Microsoft Word to write test questions that include images, equations, tables, or other advanced formatting. The Import Questions feature in Respondus makes it easy to bring those questions into Respondus 4 intact and then publish them to a learning … Read more

Story First Slide Second

Some great slide presentation tips in this Mediasite presentation, not only for those who record their lectures but for any presentation!  Just watch the first minutes for a good laugh! Story First, Slide Second Contact our office for other presentation ideas!

Save the Mouse!

For the next person to use the room! Please remember to put the poor little mouse back in its cradle! But if the wireless mouse in your lecture room is dead do not worry.  These mice all have rechargeable batteries located on the desk, they are those small items with a blue charging base. Still … Read more

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