Keeping in Touch

During summer sessions many students are embarking on clinical internships and/or faculty may be traveling.  ECU offers a number of ways to stay in touch synchronously such as Saba Meeting, Skype for Business (you can share screens), Cisco WebEx, Cisco Jabber and Dedicated Hardware.  To find out what each can do click here.  Want to … Read more

It’s reading day

And our students are not doing this but many are doing this join us for CAHS  Research Day 2017 in the Health Sciences Building Room 1305!    

Coming soon in the next release . . . (fingers crossed)

I recently shared an article Why Gamification in Healthcare is the Next Big Thing  and now to follow up here is a Q&A: How Gamification Increases Learning Outcomes with this partnership I am hoping to see the availability for us to add quizzes, feedback etc to our Mediasite Recordings.  I will be attending the Mediasite User Conference the … Read more

Who’s counting?

Yes there are less than 10 class days left of Spring Semester 2017 classes.  So I have some housekeeping items to share

Blackboard Downtime during break – Monday May 8 – Thursday May 11 click here for a list of upgrades.

Tuesday, April 25 is a Friday meeting day according to the academic calendar.

Wednesday, April 26 is Reading Day, time to catch up!

Summer Session starts May 15.

Grade Center – need assistance in weighting grades contact OET! Remember that anytime you download grades (work offline) you must save that file to a piratedrive location not your desktop, laptop,

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The 4 D’s of email

I am reposting as we enter the last week’s of the semester your inbox may be put on the back burner but you might want to implete the “Four D’s for Decision Making” model (4 D’s) is a valuable tool for processing e-mail, helping you to quickly decide what action to take with each item and how to remove it from the Inbox.

Decide what to do with each and every message

How many times have you opened, reviewed, and closed the same e-mail message over and over? Some of those messages are getting lots of attention but very little action. It is better to handle each e-mail message only once before taking action—which means you have to make a decision as to what to do with it and where to put it. Under the 4 D’s model, you have four choices:

  1. Delete it
  2. Do it
  3. Delegate it
  4. Defer it

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Anyone willing to give it a try?

Last week I went to a demonstration of Mursion Virtual Lab which I shared an article about from Campus Technology and is a very cool project taking place at our College of Education here at ECU. “Mursion is an immersive learning experience that provides our education candidates a safe space in which they can practice what … Read more

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