SABA Webconferencing – Have you tried it

Instead of my talking about a tool here is a faculty’s thoughts on using SABA Web Conferencing

“As far as Saba it has worked fairly smoothly, and some students use it for office hours, as much as students use it for office hours, but I have used it for study guide sessions and this week I have been using it for group presentations. As long as the student has a good internet connection there isn’t usually a problem. The issues I have run into are the following:

1. Sometimes the links Saba provides for the students to log in doesn’t work correctly or it won’t let the students in and they have to keep trying.

2. Right now it isn’t supported on the most recent Mac platform which is problematic for students with those computers. [it is supported now]

3. It is somewhat cumbersome to set up as an instructor but running the session it has been fairly smooth.

Hope that helps some. Of course I have the occasional student that complains just because they aren’t as good with technology but for online classes this has really helped me give a more connected class and availability, especially with being in a different state.”

Want to give it a try?  Contact OET!

2 thoughts on “SABA Webconferencing – Have you tried it”

  1. From another colleague

    “I just used WebEx to go over summer course syllabus with DE students and it worked great. All supported through ECU ITCS.”

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