Looking over someone’s shoulder . . .

This blog has showcased a number of different technologies and tips, but you might wonder does anyone actually use them.  Read  how some of these technologies are being used

Clickers – Can be used for content or test review.  They are used when discussing sensitive topics to students opinions and input.  Team challenges are another way to test students knowledge and comprehension.

Centra – Your distance students feel unconnected or are confused, hold live meetings with Centra, with the use of webcams you can even see each other.  You can schedule weekly sessions with students who are out in the field doing internships or clerkships, or

Skype – Another alternative than using Centra for real time communication with students or colleagues, know someone out of the are with expertise on a subject Skype is one way to connect them to your class, or

Communicator – Again another tool for real time communication right on your desktop, not just an Instant Message Tool.

TeamView – Securely share desktop with student to conduct a review session.

Mediasite – Lectures recorded for various departments for their DE students. We now have two portable units which can be used in most of the classrooms in this building.  Studies have show that lecture capture content is a great tool in reinforcing study topics.

Camtasia/Captivate – Don’t want to use mediasite, try Camtasia to capture not only your PowerPoint lecture but step by step instructions in Excel, Access or any number of programs.

Blogging – Another way to connect with students outside of “Blackboard” it can be less formal and intimidating.

SharePoint – is a browser-based content management system that allows groups, such as a project team or class, to set up a centralized, password-protected Web space for document sharing, online meetings, event planning and more.  A great way to work with colleagues across campus.

PirateDrive – Many departments have a shared piratedrive to keep files that are to be accessed by both faculty and staff.  Easy to get to and always backed up!

Digital Rapids Recording – Recording software in various labs for demonstrations, skills building and other types of sessions.

Outlook Calendar – really does  help keep your work/life organized.  With many smart phones you can also sync your Outlook Calendar to your phone.  Not sure how to sync a phone there are great resources at ITCS’ Tech Tips.

WWW – Professional societies for your discipline as well as YouTube videos for just about everything.  Having trouble playing a video just click the Flash download to install and it will play, you may have to do this each session you want to play a video.”

SlideFinder  – a PowerPoint presentation search engine that can help you find new slides and inspiration.  Really neat tool try it!

Please share other best practices with your colleagues!

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