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Fall Semester 2018 begins.  Some start up tips/reminders

How do I make my course available to students?
Control Panel > Customization > Properties > Set Availability > Yes

How do I copy my course from one semester to the next? Blackboard Course Copy Guide

How do I merge (or collapse) two or more course sections? Blackboard Course Collapse Guide

Why can’t students see a recently added course? 
Blackboard enrollments require 12-24 hours to update.

Is my class being recorded?  Have you submitted your lecture capture request? Lecture_Recording_Request_distributed Mediasite_Single_Rec_Req_distributed 

Embed Mediasite into Blackboard – click here

Reusing Mediasite Recordings? – go to Control Panel, Mediasite Options and Click Submit to update the Spring Semester Settings.

Want to use Mediasite Desktop Recorder check out it’s upgrade!

Saba Web Conferencing – click here

WebEx – click here

Turning Point Cloud – click here

Some tools to consider Voice Thread and Blackboard New Inline Grading Tool.

First week success check out this link!

Anything else?  Contact OET for assistance!

Welcome back!

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