The question I keep getting asked. . .

Where will my Mediasite recordings go when Blackboard is no longer available? The answer is all recordings that are done using either the Classroom Lecture System or Desktop Recording live in the Mediasite server, it’s own entity separate from Blackboard and Canvas.  You can review all your Mediasite recordings, both classroom and desktop by going … Read more

What you can do with your recordings

My-Mediasite7.2.2sofo Desktop or Classroom Capture recordings can both be edited along with adding these features, to access your recordings go to My Mediasite and login. Mediasite includes engagement and interactivity features that personalize learning experiences and improve retention. Embed quizzes, automatically score them and export the results to gauge students’ understanding of topics in real … Read more

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and

Fall Semester 2018 begins.  Some start up tips/reminders How do I make my course available to students?Control Panel > Customization > Properties > Set Availability > Yes How do I copy my course from one semester to the next? Blackboard Course Copy Guide How do I merge (or collapse) two or more course sections? Blackboard … Read more

Our own Easy button! or what to do when students are out sick

Well it is not as big as Staples but it is just that Easy.  Apparently the flu has decided to roar it’s ugly head again and students are missing class.  As we are getting into mid-semester they may miss some crucial information.  So make it a little easier for them to catch up and when … Read more

Catching Up!

So much going on so many emails.  I even missed sending last week’s blog so will do double duty today!

First here is a neat slide show on Disruptive Technologies 2015-2106 will give you something to think about.

Now if you have missed the recent posts from ECU Learning Technologies Digest let me just highlight some of the postings!

Classroom Selection for Summer and Fall 2015: New Options

As you consider your future classroom technology needs, here is a description of some of the equipment you will find in the classrooms across campus. New options include AirMedia, which allows you to present wirelessly from any device, Desktop Recording with MDR or Tegrity, and Video Conference using Saba or Jabber. Visit the Classroom Technology Database for even more options and to see the complete list of equipment offerings per room.

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