
At ECU we are using I-Webfolio to create electronic portfolios and in Allied Health the Department of Occupational Therapy now has the Class of 2011 and 2012 using the system.

“Electronic portfolios allow students to collect evidence of learning outside the classroom so they don’t need to be tied to the classroom to learn. The portfolio, then, is the new book: the central technology around which to design learning. Portfolios are accessible from anywhere, including (increasingly) from mobile technology. This means that the whole campus and the nearby community is a connected classroom.

Why not, for example, have students reflect on what they learn participating in sports and validate those reflections as equally important to what they learn studying World War I?

Students create a portfolio of all the learning they experience on campus and are then assessed and evaluated on the evidence they present of their learning.”

From http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2011/01/19/The-Myth-of-eLearning.aspx?Page=2

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