Tag: app

Using Mobile Devices instead of Clickers

So easy now and just as easy to integrate into your Grade Center,

Students can connect via phone, tablet or computer.  You don’t even need the usb device just get a session id once Turning Cloud is launched.  To get there from a computer it is https://student.turningtechnologies.com/#/profile and they would click Sign In and enter their ECU credentials.

Student Regisitration http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/clickers/upload/TurningRegistrationInstructions_ECU_1.pdf

Participant List http://www.ecu.edu/cs-itcs/clickers/upload/tp_8.pdf

Frequently Asked

How do students obtain their license?

Licenses will be automatically distributed when students register their clicker or mobile device in Blackboard.

Is there still a cost for a physical clicker?

Yes. Students required to use a physical clicker must still purchase a clicker or use and existing one.

Is there a cost for the mobile app?

No. To use an Android or iOS mobile device, students download the free app from the Google Play or Apple App Store. Students not using an Android or iOS device can participate in polling through a Web browser on their mobile device or laptop.