Tag: iPad

Some things are best left unknown

or private at least.

This article states “It’s easy to forget that convenience can also leak information about you to anyone who can touch your iPhone or iPad.”

Here are some of the tips the article offers

“Although Apple generally positions itself rightly as privacy conscious vis-a-vis the information about yourself that it allows itself and others to see, there’s no one-stop-shop for dialing up or down what appears on the lock screen. You have to visit several places in Settings:  Read more

Project, Read Notes, Annotate and Advance Slides =

SLIDESHARK!  Per their website  “SlideShark is the leading app for viewing and sharing PowerPoint® content on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. With SlideShark, mobile users can easily view and present PowerPoint slides the way they were meant to be seen—with animations, fonts, colors, graphics, hyperlinks and videos intact.”

By using the broadcast feature to the computer in the classroom you can control your presentation via your IPad – see your slide notes, timers, animation counter and next/previous slides.  Go to the app store to download and stop by me office for a demo!

Kudos to Christine Lysaght from PT for bringing this neat feature to my attention!

Android users I have not found a similar app, any suggestions?