Who killed the mouse?

The last person to use the room?  If the wireless mouse in your lecture room is dead do not worry.  These mice all have rechargeable batteries located on the desk, they are those small items with a blue charging base.  Still not sure where they are call OET and we will be glad to demonstrate! … Read more

Did you get an invite?

No not to the upcoming royal wedding!  But to Yammer! From Yammer’s website  https://www.yammer.com/about/product#what-is-yammer ,  “Yammer is a simple real-time communication tool for organizations.  Yammer was created by people who wanted a better way to connect and share with people at work.  . . . it becomes more powerful the more people that join.” There are various Yammer … Read more

I pad for beginners

So you got an iPad for Christmas and want to know a few tips?  Here are a few that you may want to try out: How to delete apps: Tap and hold down the icon of the application you want to delete.  The icon will start to wiggle and an X will be next to … Read more

tick, tick, tick . . .

Was the essence of the commercial I watched last night. iPhone 4 is now available online through the Verizon network today (Verizon is a member of Pirate Perks).  This blog has not explored mobile devices and their impact yet so today we will begin with “phones”! So have you been wanting to get the I … Read more

Dangers of one- dimensional education

Hi.  I’m Bob.  I’ll be sitting in for Jean this week in the blog.  Many years ago, in another life, I earned my living for awhile teaching people how to fly.  There was an inside joke among flight instructors that went something like this: “You can’t really teach people to fly.  You just keep the airplane from crashing while the students teach themselves to fly.”

Flash forward forty years now and read this article: http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2011/01/19/The-Myth-of-eLearning.aspx?Page=1

So what do my little joke and this article have to do with one another?  And what do they each have to do with our efforts here?  In my opinion, we all have a strong tendency to

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Some housekeeping tips!

I am stealing from my colleagues in IT and their recent blog post “Today’s topic is one near and dear to everyone at TechTips: ways for everyone to help IT staff maintain your work computer.  Posted at the Microsoft At Work blog (also available as an RSS feed), the article describes “8 simple ways to … Read more

And the audience’s response is . . .

They make their selection on a “clicker” and you project your “audience’s” response in your PowerPoint!  Audience Response System aka “Clicker Technology” is a great way to evaluate if your “audience” is getting it!  All classrooms at Allied Health have the Turning Point Audience Response System Software installed.  Our office has receivers and clickers for … Read more

Happy New Year and Happy Spring Semester 2011!

As the beginning of Spring Semester approaches quickly I could use this blog to remind you about rolling content over in BB, copying content in BB, making your course(s) available, submitting your Mediasite or Centra requests, reserving your Turning Point clickers or the many other start of semester housekeeping tips that come across your inbox hourly.

But no instead I am going to blog about reading!  You say, but that’s what I am doing.  Yes that is correct but do any of you remember the old mind teaser test that started “Please Read Before Completing this Paper” and the last item was “Sign your name and Hand in the Paper”?  With so many emails and so much data coming across our desks we barely have time to breathe.  But breathe we must and take a deep breath and continue reading so that we pick up that last bit of information on the last line!

On that note I send you to another blog “The Lost Art of Reading” or for just a quick glimpse check out this article on the same topic.

Happy Reading! and for my last line

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