
For filling the Community Shelter Boxes, tomorrow is the last day of collection so if you still want to contribute . . . As final grades are entered, final papers graded and you close out fall semester remember that your courses for Spring 2011 should appear on your Blackboard page, you can request roll over … Read more

Please Participate!

The ECU Staff Senate in conjunction with the United Way is  sponsoring a CAMPUS Wide collection to support the Pitt County Community Shelters. Donations will be accepted through December 17th .  Deodorant*, Razors, Shaving Cream, Maxi Sanitary Pads*, Laundry Detergent*, Bleach*, Dish Detergent, Lysol spray, Lysol wipes, Cleaning supplies, Garbage Bags – 44-55 gallon & up*, Toilet … Read more

Gobble, Gobble, Eat!

Happy Thanksgiving, all. Hope those of you traveling have an easy, safe trip. For everyone, enjoy counting blessings and getting stuffed with food! and as we head into the final days of Fall 2013 semester remember that our office will be happy to assist in closing out semester tasks or prepping for Spring 2014 semester … Read more

Spring is Here ? ! ?

Well not quite but your spring courses are now available on your Blackboard site.  All courses offered throughout the university automatically have a Blackboard site created for them. New this semester is the ability to copy your course content directly into your Spring courses rather than submitting a request and waiting sometimes 2 or 3 … Read more


A few weeks ago we wrote about Respondus which is test generating software available to all faculty through ECU’s software download site.  This week I received their newsletter which talked about randomizing questions and randomizing answers to help prevent cheating.  This can be done on a test within Blackboard or when creating tests in Respondus. … Read more

Cyber Security

National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), conducted every October since 2001, is a national public awareness campaign to encourage everyone to protect their computers and our nation’s critical cyber infrastructure. Understanding and properly using social media is the focal point for the ECU campus this year. Stay tuned this month for security tips and additional … Read more

There’s no denying it’s coming soon!

Yes the university is upgrading to Blackboard 9.  This is a major upgrade with some very neat features.  There will be a small pilot in the Spring and we will fully move to BB9 in May for Summer I Session.  Just to get you in the mood take 2 minutes and watch this BB9 – … Read more

Travelling light!

With restrictions in travel allowances and jammed packed schedules webinars and online conferences make it easy to attend and stay current on educational trends.  ITCS is hosting EDUCAUSE 2010 Online Annual Conference today through Friday in Austin 308.  Some of the topics that will be covered are Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, E-Texbooks and  Collaboration.

On any given week you can find other such live or on demand events which may interest you, Sonic Foundry offers some good webinars on using Mediasite sign up for the upcoming event “Lecture Capture 101: everything you wanted to know about lecture capture but were afraid to ask!”

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Respondus – Easily Import Tests into Blackboard

“Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard, Moodle, and other eLearning systems. Exams can be created offline using a familiar Windows environment, or moved from one eLearning system to another. Whether you are a veteran of online testing or relatively new … Read more

Our Portable Gorilla!

You may have heard our office refer to our 600 pound Gorilla which is the Mediasite Recorders located in various classrooms in our building.  Did you know that we also have a portable “gorilla”, not nearly as big and extremely portable (fits in Jean’s Mustang trunk)! It can be used just about anywhere in the … Read more

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