Oops! I forgot!

Three words you hate to hear and even more so hate to have to say.  And yes you might think I forgot to send our weekly Wednesday blog yesterday but I did not forget I just had not completed writing it due to the many items that popped up on my Outlook calendar yesterday.

Outlook Calendar!  Where would I be or what would I be doing if I did not have those handy reminders nagging me!  What a great tool you can use it for setting up meetings,  daily, weekly or monthly reminders. 

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Not on Blackboard but a handy software program that let’s you share files.   Here are just a few of the things that can be done with the Dropbox program:

File Sync

Dropbox allows you to sync your files online and across your computers automatically.

  • 2GB of online storage for free, with up to 100GB available to paying customers.

File Sharing

Sharing files is simple and can be done with only a few clicks.

  • Shared folders allow several people to collaborate on a set of files.

Online Backup

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E F G or H be Prepared!

Earl, Fiona, Gaston H1N1?

Before the storm

ECU Officials are reminding us to have plans in place to protect university life and property in case of adverse weather (primarily, hurricanes during this time of year).  Were you aware that, with the aid of our technological devices, we can continue to deliver course material to students during a shutdown?  You may remember that, about a year ago, the Office of Educational Technology published a plan for continuing operation during an epidemic of the H1N1 virus.  OET has updated this document to apply to operational disruptions due to adverse weather.  Preparedness is the key.

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and where was that again?

Welcome to Fall Semester 2010!  New touchpanel, Windows 7, Mediasite, Turning Point Upgrade and new students as well!   So much to remember.  This blog offers lots of tips and reminders, you can easily search in the box at the bottom right to look for a topic or click one of the category links if perhaps … Read more

Change is Good!

Oh no you say but sometimes you just can’t stop progress!  So when you teach this fall in one of our classrooms here in CAHS you will see a new touch panel from ITCS.  For recording faculty please remember to touch the screen in order to activate the room microphone system. And to really shake … Read more

OET ????

Who – Office of Educational Technology, Bob Fainter and Jean Merenda What – course development for web-enhanced, hybrid or online delivery, Mediasite recordings, video recording including editing and conversion, Blackboard assistance, Centra scheduling, research and evaluate new products and resources, i-Webfolio development, blogs, yammer, twitter and face to face! Where –  give us a location … Read more

Try it! You just might like it!

A few weeks ago I posted a blog with a catchy title Yabber Dabber Do!  The catchy subject line produced a few responses but I don’t know that anyone actually tried the software.  I have joined Yammer and for the most part was reading a lot of postings on the new i Phone and I … Read more

As you travel during summer break . . .

from MS-ISAC Secure Your Laptop Friday, July 02, 2010, 6:00:03 AM Laptops are increasing in popularity for both business and personal use. The portability of laptops makes them extremely convenient. However, we must also be aware of the security risks from the loss or theft of laptops, and take proper precautions. The potential loss is … Read more

The buzz word is . . .

Social Media – who what when where try this link for a quick intro.  Contact our office to explore how to incorporate  one of these into your course.

PDF to Word!

I was recently asked how to convert a PDF file to Word and searched this blog as I remember posting something last year.  Found the link and then found another one  which works quite well  http://www.pdftoword.com/?PHPSESSID=72467b45ed9493f7d2cc8bca6d778207

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