In under two minutes . . .

Here is an article on organizing email.  One of the highlights is the

The “Four D’s for Decision Making” model (4 D’s) is a valuable tool for processing e-mail, helping you to quickly decide what action to take with each item and how to remove it from the Inbox.

Decide what to do with each and every message

How many times have you opened, reviewed, and closed the same e-mail message over and over? Some of those messages are getting lots of attention but very little action. It is better to handle each e-mail message only once before taking action—which means you have to make a decision as to what to do with it and where to put it. Under the 4 D’s model, you have four choices:

  1. Delete it
  2. Do it
  3. Delegate it
  4. Defer it

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Looking over someone’s shoulder . . .

This blog has showcased a number of different technologies and tips, but you might wonder does anyone actually use them.  Read  how some of these technologies are being used Clickers – Can be used for content or test review.  They are used when discussing sensitive topics to students opinions and input.  Team challenges are another … Read more

Are they really listening?

With clicker technology, we have Turning Point installed in all the classrooms, you can quickly poll your students on how well they are listening, their opinion on sensitive subjects or create teams to compete on current topics of study.  As we approach mid-term the clickers are a great way to bring something a bit different … Read more

New survey tool from ITCS

Check out the new survey tool provided by ITCS, Qualtrics.  Much more user friendly than Perseus and data collected is stored here at ECU rather than somewhere in cyberland when you use SurveyMonkey. Qualtrics is a web based, research surveying software.  It is the replacement for our former survey software Perseus.  Qualtrics offers many advanced, … Read more

Whose watching? Whose reading? When?

Mediasite Recordings – You have been making recordings of your lecture using Mediasite.  But are they watching, listening?  If they are how long?  Mediasite 5 now can generate reports which will generate that information and more.  Whether it be a specific presentation or a specific user we can quickly and easily compile a report for … Read more

Convert to PDF

Most of us have Office 2007 which can easily convert a file to a pdf. But if you don’t have this Office suite or you have something besides a document to convert try this handy online converter. Docs, images to PDF

Right Next Store . . .

Did you know that Laupus Library not only houses books but provides numerous other services through its Multimedia and Technology Department?  Some of these services include ECU-TV, here’s your chance to be a star; Multimedia Development, Poster Printing.  and other services.  Contact our office to assist in directing you to the right resource.

Recycle Wednesday!

As we near midterm just a reminder if you are using SafeAssignment for students to turn in papers to “Synchronize your Course”. And a good use of your old cell phones and a true recycle tip can be found on ITCS’s Tech Tips Blog

Who, What, Where & When

Use your Outlook Calendar to help keep your work/life organized.  With many smart phones you can also sync your Outlook Calendar to your phone.  This link from Microsoft gives lots of good tips such as: Organize Meetings Simply select a time on your Calendar, create an appointment, and select people to invite. Outlook will help … Read more

Who sees what?

Blackboard’s new grade center gives you the ability to customize your view of the grade center by “Hiding Columns”  this can be done by either clicking on the arrows next to each grade item  or going to manage  from the Action Bar  and selecting “Organize Grade Center” from this option you can hide multiple items … Read more

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