Keeping in Touch

During summer sessions many students are embarking on clinical internships and/or faculty may be traveling.  ECU offers a number of ways to stay in touch synchronously such as Saba Meeting, Skype for Business (you can share screens), Cisco WebEx, Cisco Jabber and Dedicated Hardware.  To find out what each can do click here.  Want to … Read more

Break in the heat, summer session has been put to rest and fall is just around the corner!

A few years ago I did the countdown to fall semester.  I received various comments and some groans but in less than 3 weeks we have many new students and returning students headed into our classrooms so are a few resources to check out!  Some BB tips and some connecting with others in and around … Read more

Inviting a Guest to Speak

I often get the request to assist with enabling a guest speaker to present to a class from outside the college.  We do have SABA web conferencing software which easily allows guests to share content but often the technology gets a bit frustrating for some guests.  Did you know that in recent versions of Skype … Read more

Making a connection

Software videoconferencing is ideal for one-on-one interviews, peer discussions, distance learning, CME programs, class lectures or guest instructors. Cisco Jabber Conference with anyone, from anywhere, at anytime from your own Mac or Windows desktop or laptop using Cisco Jabber. Features include video, desktop sharing and conferencing. Camera, microphone and speakers required. Submit the Jabber Account Request form … Read more

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