Tag: students

Our own Easy button! or what to do when students are out sick

Well it is not as big as Staples but it is just that Easy.  Apparently the flu has decided to roar it’s ugly head again and students are missing class.  As we are getting into mid-semester they may miss some crucial information.  So make it a little easier for them to catch up and when in one of our general classrooms press sources on the small Crestron panel, select Mediasite and press the round button to start a recording.  One caveat please put the microphone on and press the button on the front until it is blinking green.  We do have ceiling mics but the microphone gives a much better audio experience.

When class is over, press the square button on the Mediasite source window to stop the recording and let me know what room you recorded in and I will publish and send you the link or place in your course.  Or just ask me to press the button before class starts!

It is that EASY!

So why Tweet?

Or why not?  I will admit I have not embraced this technology but I am exploring it’s use in higher ed and have found some articles which tempt me to continue in this endeavor.  If you use “tweets” as part of your class or were thinking of incorporating them into class let me know and we can explore together.

Some articles which may help you get started:

10 Twitter Tips for Higher Education | University Business Magazine

Tweeting alternative to Discussion Board

Tweeting in Higher Education: Best Practices | EDUCAUSE